Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Early Days in the Cold War

The Cold War got its name, because of the United States and Russia. Even though the two countries did not go to war directly with each other, they fight each other with propaganda and scandal. There was a lot of tension and hostility which last very long.

There was beyond doubt no dialogue between the countries and no one came transmit to make peace. The early years of the Cold War went of preparation who should be the strongest nation among the two. The aftermath of World War Ii left America and Russia feeling insecure about each other.


The early days of the Cold War was just spent in contemplation and America made sure wherever Russia was present, even they marked their presence. It became a dog fight between them where each one was marking their territory and this ended up being an egotistic battle. There was no valid think for America to come to be a part of the Vietnam War if not for protests against communism or Russia for that matter. Also, America was in fierce competition with Russia and even dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan and most of it was to prove a point to Russia and also teach Japan a episode for Pearl Harbor.

When Russia launched Sputnik, America started working on space shuttles too. Russia got scared with the atomic bomb and started building something similar immediately. The America heard of this and started working on a new hydrogen bomb. So the competition was never ending between the two countries.

Early Days in the Cold War

Thanks To : The Bests Rings

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